With a running evaluation you will see first hand on video how you are running and will gain the most up to date evidence on how to address any areas of concern.
Scroll to the menu at the top of page and click the "Book Online" link to schedule an appointment
In person Analysis:
1) Book Online - appointment time is ~1hr (will pay at time of running evaluation)
2) Includes functional screening checking mobility, balance, & strength
3) Will review running injury history with brief medical screening
4) Running video analysis from multiple angles will be done outside or on treadmill
5) You will receive a Running Evaluation form with recommended corrective exercises and drills
Virtual Analysis:
-Edited videos breaking down your form
-Includes customized exercises and drills
-Virtual meeting to review analysis and any questions
Instructions for Virtual Analysis:
1) Book Virtual appointment (top of website (Book Online) -> click on virtual running analysis (Book Now) -> Select Date and Time of when you would like a Zoom Meeting to go over the submitted videos -> Submit info and pay for Virtual Analysis
2) Send 3 videos ~10seconds in length from both sides and one from the back showing your entire body to JoshuaSmithPT8@gmail.com
-See bottom of page for video examples.
-Videos can be taken on the treadmill (preferred) or outside
-Attire: shorts and either tight shirt, sports bra, or shirtless to better visualize lower back/pelvis
**All videos must be received 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time for review by the PT (if you are scheduled on Tuesday at 5pm, videos should be sent in by Monday at 5pm). Please make sure that you schedule in a way that allows yourself plenty of time to gather videos requested. Videos may be emailed to joshuasmithpt8@gmail.com. Once your videos have been received, you will get a confirmation email with a zoom link to your video analysis session for the time you chose. Please arrive on time for your session. **